Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fanime is over, now onto new ideas and a couple small conventions

So this year is the fruition of my hobby that hopefully will start resembling a solid business soon. I just need to shun my urges for procrastination. I'm happy to say FanimeCon went well. I gave out a bunch of business cards.

My new obsession that I also for whatever reason ended up dreaming about multiple times last night is Steampunk. Being a bit of a Sci-fi and Fantasy geek who also thinks Victorian era pieces are endearing, it's a good fit for me. So in the next few months keep an eye out for some Steampunk inspired pieces on my Etsy. (http://www.etsy.com/shop/CWestbrookDesigns).

1 comment:

Christina said...

Thanks Claudia! I think I remember talking to you, we exchanged some random ideas on art and 3D stuffs? I took a look at your site and you have lovely artwork. I also went to the Academy of Art! Five years after graduating I'm just now using some skills from my major, though I'm sure it's no big surprise I know or have met a bunch of people working at starbucks or uninspired jobs that went to the Academy and only get to do art as a hobby. I'm glad you work in your field.

I'm going to have a couple semi-steampunk pieces soon, I'll probably post CG renderings in the next couple days.